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"Good design is thorough down to the last detail - Nothing must be arbitrary or left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design process show respect towards the consumer." Dieter Rams
Create a Blog Post Talking About the Elements of Designing a Logo. This post will be an original one authored by you, but borrowing borrowing from and discussing points in this article.
Read it and think about it in the context of what we have discussed in class. The author itemizes five elements of a good design, saint a solid logo is
In your write up, explain how these categories can be reduced down to and contained within the simpler categories represented by the Mnemonic device R-R-R or 'The Three Rs.'
Include pictures of at least three good corporate or small biz logos.
.After you have covered all this ground, share your own logo design and explain how it first into the above context. What did you design it likely did, and how does it succeed?